On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm writing a wizard-like process, where when they have finished the set of
> forms and press submit I don't want the back button to take them back. Is
> there any way I can clear out the history?

This is JavaScript magic and I'm not sure how to disable it.

> I guess a related question is, Lift is holding references to objects in its
> history that I would like to be made available to garbage collection. For
> instance, I have a table of html links - once one is selected, I can set the
> holding collection to null, but lift is still holding a reference for its
> history.

I have a number of GC methodologies that I'm working one.  Basically, Lift
will hold certain references for a period of time (right now that period is
the session, but it will get shorter).



> cheers
> Oliver
> >

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