> I guess you could disable the submit button on first submit? ... on
> server side you could get rid of the processing function from the
> cache that is associated with that specific thing. However this kind
> of seems unnecessary for your use-case ... maybe.

Its funny you mention that Marius - not only 2 days ago was I trying
to do something like this... I tried adding a
onsubmit="submitonce(this);" (where submitonce is a function to
disable the button) type javascript call into my markup but still,
even with the previous change to allow custom snippet attributes, it
was removed? So that didn't work, next I thought, ok no problem, i'll
just use a jquery event handler! Whilst I could make it disable the
button with something like:

$(document).ready(function(event) {
    var elements = $
      var tempobj = elements[i]
    return true;

Which has the desired effect of disabling the form submit button, but
it appears to screw with the actual data being posted. I didnt have
enough time to explore what was happening :-(

One would have thought this should be a fairly simple thing to want to
do - and again, something front end designers should be able to do
without needed to do anything server side as its a usability issue



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