> I'm working with a couple of the OSGi gurus on this issue.  They're in town
> for EclipseCon this week and I'll be meeting with them on Thursday.  Don't
> worry about doing anything... we'll get OSGi support into Lift.

David and everyone,

Thanks for all of your help on this and your effort on this Framework. I may
be rambling and this may not be useful, but it helps me to clarify my
thoughts to try to get them written down. I work for a school district with
one other web/java developer and we are in a vacuum most of the time. So I
do a lot of reading, trying to learn new things, but a lot of the time my
understanding is faulty and so I am hoping some of you can point out where I
have come to the wrong conclusions or where I am right for that matter.

Your OSGi Gurus will most likely have much better insight, but here are my
thoughts on Lift with OSGi and I hope to hear more after your meeting on
thursday, will you be posting their thoughts on how this integration
could/should occur.

Here are some of my thoughts:

Bundle Activation:

* Initialize the lift framework and perform the boot actions (register
bundle resource paths and snippet packages)
* Export a service that could be called to process the lift request -or-
register a servlet to handle lift requests
* Register a service that can expose Lift templates to other bundles
* Register a service that can serve the bundle's internal classpath

Bundle Shutdown:

* Unregister the services / servlet
* Destroy the lift instance

In a way the initialization process performed by the Boot class and the
ServletFilter would be performed by the OSGi Bundle Activator

Calling a Lift Service:

There are two ways that I can see Lift utilized: 1) by registering
individual servlets with OSGi, and 2) by having a service call a utility
class that knows how to render the requested lift snippet/template. This
utility class should be independent of the request mechanism so that it
could be utilized by the current implementation, OSGi services and the
portlet implementation.

Template Resolution:

There are two methods I can see for OSGi to work with Lift: Bundles export
almost everything or bundles register template and snippet services.

I believe that if the bundles export almost everything that the templating
system should work, but there will be a great deal of direct dependencies
between modules.

If there was a service that each bundle could register its templates /
snippets with these dependencies could be reduced, but this may require OSGi
specific surrounds / embed tags.

This would require embedded templates to be looked up in a service and when
retrieved have its contents returned with all of the lift tags fully
expanded. Likewise if a template uses a surround tag then the contents of
the surround tag would be fully expanded and then the template service would
be provided with the template name, content region and replacement xhtml
content. What this would do is remove a lot of the direct ties to other

For example, if an application contains three bundles:
1) The Core Module provides the template giving the overall appearance of
the entire site
2) The Application template populates the core template's content region.
3) The Module template populates the Application template's moduleContent

The Module Bundle (3) should not need to know that there is a Dependency on
the Core Bundle's (1) template. As it only cares about the Application it is
providing content to.

This system would mean that all of the snippets used in a given template
would have to reside in the same bundle as the template or be part of the
Lift distribution to which all Lift bundles would have a dependency on.

Resource Resolution:

This is another point that would need to be addressed. If the bundles
register the paths for their resources with a resource server service then
it could facilitate looking up the resources in the registered bundles.

Also, I can see having a utility class that could be configured in an
activator and called by other services in order to retrieve resources.
However, the LiftRules.resourceServerPath may need to be changed so that it
can take wildcards so that prefix path elements could be ignored.

For example, if the LiftRules.resourceServerPath is set to "*/classpath"
then the following:

<script src="/profile/private/blog/classpath/yui/event.js"

would cause the bundles resource server to return the /yui/event.js file
from the bundle.

This is most likely very short sighted due to my lack of knowledge at this
point, ... but hopefully not too far off base.

-- Chad

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