
There is no need to have a direct relation between snippets and model
classes - why would you need to have a relationship? Snippets usually
encompass a small element of functionality that might be related to one or
more models - mapper or otherwise.

Personally, I like that fact there is no coupling out of the box. Of course,
you are free to name your snippets however you wish - if this involves some
postfix, you can do that no problems at all.

Cheers, Tim

On 13/04/2009 11:04, "Tobias Daub" <> wrote:

> Hi There,
> Is there any convention about how to name classes in the snippet package.
> In the ToDo example the snippet that corresponds to the ToDo Model was
> named TD which is maybe not the best name.
> Would it be possible to prefix the class name with something, e.g.
> ToDoFactory? Factory is probably not a really good name as well...

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