On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Tobias Daub <hannes.flo...@gmx.li> wrote:

> Hi There,
> Is there any convention about how to name classes in the snippet package.
> In the ToDo example the snippet that corresponds to the ToDo Model was
> named TD which is maybe not the best name.
> Would it be possible to prefix the class name with something, e.g.
> ToDoFactory? Factory is probably not a really good name as well...

Yeah, well... the problem was that I named the classes and methods and I
generally am sub-optimal at naming stuff.

There's no correspondence between model names and snippet names.  The
snippets are looked up "by convention" (although you can register snippet
handlers globally and on a page-by-page basis).  Name them how you want in a
way that makes sense for the over-all logic of what you're building... and
never, ever, ever, take my advice on naming things (except maybe Lift...
which turned out to be a good name.)

> thanks
> Tobias
> >

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