> Wow, strong words.  I'm wondering what it was about maven that caused this
> productivity loss?  So far my shop has not run into this, in fact, we've had
> the opposite vs. Ant.  Granted, Raven and Buildr are different beasts.

I apologize for the strong words. I think I was still angry from
reading some of David Pollack's strong negative comments about Ruby in
other mailing list posts(for example,
and some of that anger got funneled into my post. That said, I have
long thought that a DSL based inside of a general purpose scripting
language is always going to be far more productive than a DSL based in
XML (http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/rake.html,
Before I felt so strongly against maven, however, I also had the
privilege of using it and found that our team was spending far too
much time dealing with our build system. We could not find the
documentation we needed, debugging was difficult, and programming in
Jelly just isn't as productive as programming in full scripting
languages like perl/python/ruby/groovy/<insert-favorite-language-
here>. I thought that Maven was as more unwieldy than Ant as it was
more powerful.

That said, using buildr did not go flawlessly either. The main issues,
however, were not buildr itself, but getting it's jetty plugin to
work. I'm guessing that buildr does not have nearly the backing in the
Java community as Maven, which is a pity. Finally, I have not tried
SBT, but I will look into it as well. My main goal, though, is to try
out lift!

I am inlining the buildr buildfile I created for Lift's hello world
example below.

require 'buildr/scala'
require 'buildr/java'

Differences between maven pom.xml and this buildr file:

1.  I could not get buildr to build this project without setting
    my environment variable SCALA_HOME to point to my scala
2.  Many jars had to be specified manually that did not need not
specified in the maven pom.xml
3.  They jetty plugin seems to force it's own version, 6.1.3, though
    source code documentation tauntingly suggests a way to specify
your own version

To run the example:
  buildr helloworld:run
GROUP = "helloworld"

repositories.remote << "http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2/";
repositories.remote << "http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases";

Artifacts = struct(
  :scala => group('scala-library', 'scala-compiler', :under =>
    :version => "2.7.3"),
  :lift => group('lift-util', 'lift-webkit', 'lift-mapper', :under =>
    :version => "1.0"),
  :servlet => "javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5",
  :junit => "junit:junit:jar:4.5",
  :jetty => group("jetty", "jetty-util", "servlet-api-2.5", "jsp-2.1",
    :under => "org.mortbay.jetty", :version => "6.1.6"), #cannot get
range syntax to work
  :log4j => "log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14",
  :commons => "commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:jar:1.2.1"

JettyJSP = Artifacts.jetty.select {|jar| jar.name =~ /jsp/ }
JettyServlet = Artifacts.jetty.find {|jar| jar.name =~ /servlet/ }

#hack to force my own version of jetty to load
Java.classpath.concat Artifacts.jetty.map {|a| a.to_spec}
require 'buildr/jetty'

desc "The HelloWorld project"
define "helloworld" do

  project.version = VERSION_NUMBER
  project.group = GROUP

  compile.with [:lift, :servlet, :junit, :jetty].map {|sym|
Artifacts.send sym }

  package(:war).with :libs => [:scala, :lift, :log4j, :commons].map { |
    Artifacts.send sym } + [JettyJSP, JettyServlet ]

this does not work. The war file never seems to get deployed.
  jetty.use package(:war) do
    jetty.deploy("#{jetty.url}/". package(:war))
  task :run => "jetty:use"

  #workaround for the commented-out code above
  task :run => package(:war) do
    jetty = Buildr::Jetty.new("jetty", "http://localhost:8080";)
    jetty.send :fire #method is protected
    jetty.deploy "#{jetty.url}/", package(:war)

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