Oh wow ... no offense but I haven't seen such code in a while :) .. I
see the code but it's difficult to understand the problem that you are
trying to solve ... looks like you are building a clock. For building
reasonable small JavaScript I'd recommend using Lif't's JavaScript
abstraction (JsExp/JsCmd etc). For bigger JS code I'd recommend
writing the JavaScript code in the JS file and define your own
JavaScript objects.

So what I'd do:

1. Define the JavaScript function in a separate .js file (the function
may be part of a JS JSON object )
2. The function would take a JSON structure as argument
3. From the Lift's snippet generate the JSON structure that needs to
be passed to you function using JsObj and generate the <script> tag
(using xml literals or even use the JsCmds.Script object). Potentially
use JqOnLoad so that
    your function to be called after the DOM tree is loaded


On Apr 26, 1:31 pm, "sailormoo...@gmail.com" <sailormoo...@gmail.com>
> Here is the current solution. It's not clean, but I cannot think of
> better idea for the code.
>  bind("entry", xhtml,
>       "js_realtimeoutput" -> <script language="JavaScript">{Unparsed
> (js_realtime_output(room_day, room))}</script>)
> private def js_realtime_output(room_day: RoomDay, room: Room) : String
> = {
>     def date_string(datetime : GregorianCalendar) : String  = {
>       String.format("new Date(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",
>         datetime.get(Calendar.YEAR).toString, datetime.get
> (Calendar.MONTH).toString,
>         datetime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).toString, datetime.get
> (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY).toString,
>         datetime.get(Calendar.MINUTE).toString, datetime.get
> (Calendar.SECOND).toString)
>     }
>     val s_datetime = new GregorianCalendar()
>     val e_datetime = new GregorianCalendar()
>     if (room_day.day_no.is == 0) {
>        """function realtime_output() {
>          php_now = """ + date_string(s_datetime) + """;
>          local_now = new Date();
>          diff_sec = Math.floor( (local_now - php_now) / 1000);
>          document.realtime_form.realtime_output.value = "伺服器與本地時間差:" +
> diff_sec + "秒";
>        }"""
>     } else {
>       s_datetime.setTime(room_day.created.is)
>       e_datetime.setTime(room_day.created.is)
>       var until_string = ""
>       if (room_day.day_no.is % 2 == 0) {
>         e_datetime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, room.day_minutes.is)
>         until_string = "日落"
>       } else {
>         e_datetime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, room.night_minutes.is)
>         until_string = "早上"
>       }
>       """starttime = """ + date_string(s_datetime) + """;
>       endtime   = """ + date_string(e_datetime) + """;
>       diffseconds = Math.floor((endtime - starttime)/1000);
>       function realtime_output() {
>         nowtime = new Date();
>         leftseconds = diffseconds - Math.floor((nowtime - starttime)/
> 1000);
>         lefttime = new Date(0,0,0,0,0,leftseconds);
>         virtual_left_seconds = Math.floor(12*60*60*(leftseconds /
> diffseconds));
>         virtual_lefttime = new Date(0,0,0,0,0,virtual_left_seconds);
>         if(leftseconds > 0){
>           document.realtime_form.realtime_output.value = " """ +
> until_string + """剩餘 " + virtual_lefttime.getHours()+"時
> 間"+virtual_lefttime.getMinutes()+"分 (實際時間 "+lefttime.getMinutes()
> +"分"+lefttime.getSeconds()+"秒)";
>         } else {
>           overseconds = Math.abs(leftseconds);
>           overtime = new Date(0,0,0,0,0,overseconds);
>           document.realtime_form.realtime_output.value = "超過時間
> "+overtime.getMinutes()+"分"+overtime.getSeconds()+"秒";
>         }
>         tid = setTimeout('realtime_output()', 1000);
>       }"""
>     }
>   }
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