I've been looking at lift since yesterday morning (and scala for a
week or so) and I'm very pleased with what I see. I'm a little
frustrated though, Jetty appears to be breathtakingly slow to start
and stop occasionally. Sometimes the pause before this:

[INFO] Started Jetty Server
[INFO] Starting scanner at interval of 5 seconds.

is several minutes. Stopping Jetty can also be slow, with an equally
unsatisfactory pause. Sometimes it's instantaneous with no delay.

I'm running on Ubuntu Server on a virtual machine with ~700MB memory.
I'm not doing anything more complicated than that detailed in

Am I doing something wrong or is Jetty really this slow? It's only
running a few K of code...

I'm aware of the continual compilation option, but I'm editing
remotely and my editor appears to touch files more often than I save
(i.e. I'd like to be able to control when I compile).



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