Hi everyone.

I'm planning to deploy a Lift app on a virtual host (Slicehost) with
Jetty. I'm also running one or two sites on the side, but nothing too
heavy. I want to try running with 256 MB RAM (I could go to 512 but
I'd rather not pay for that if I don't have to!). I currently use
virtual hosts to serve a handful of static sites with Apache.

The choices, as I see them:

-- Host the static sites in Jetty (I believe it can do virtual hosts?)
and run it on :80, losing Apache.
-- Host the Lift bit with Jetty forwarding (I don't know the terms
yet) through Apache and let Apache deal with virtual hosts and serve
up the static content.
-- Something else?

I'm guessing the first one will be the simpler. I suppose the question
is, is Jetty designed to serve static content and does it perform
well? In trying to lose Apache, I'm aiming to run it on a machine with
specs as low as possible.



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