OK, I opened issue #2, but the Markdown syntax isn't playing nice. I dug
around and I think I figured out what the issue is: vscaladoc tries to only
show the first line, and then adds an "apiCommentsDetails" div for the rest
of the stuff so that it can show/hide it on demand. The issue is that with
the <p> elements wrapping the first (long) paragraph, the div is partially
nested in the <p> element (I can't remember the technical term for this), so
that it isn't valid XHTML. For example, here's the output from the "problem"

       <div class="apiComments">

         <p>Get a list of current attributes

              <a href="javascript://" class="detailsBtn"
              <div class="apiCommentsDetails">
                Each attribute item is a pair of (key,value). The key
   is an Either that depends on whether the attribute is prefixed or
not. If the attribute
   is prefixed, the key is a Right((prefix, name)). If the attribute
is unprefixed then the
   key is a Left(name). For example, the following table shows how
various tag attributes
   would be represented:</p>

If I get rid of the <p> then it works fine.



On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com>wrote:

> It works if I removed the first <p>, so I'll put together a small test case
> project and create an issue. Also, if I want to use tables in the scaladoc
> it seems that the CSS for it makes them have no borders, etc. Do you have a
> special class for comment tables, or could I submit a patch for them?
> Thanks,
> Derek
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Derek Chen-Becker 
> <dchenbec...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I'll try removing the first <p> pair and add the colorization like you
>> suggested here. I'll open an issue after I confirm whether removing the <p>
>> fixes the issue.
>> Thanks!
>> Derek
>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 7:41 AM, David Bernard <david.bernard...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It's a bug, I'll try to add a test case. (you could open issue at
>>> http://github.com/davidB/vscaladoc/issues)
>>> From the source code of the page the doc is present. I suggest you remove
>>> the <p> tag from the comment (at least the first pair).
>>> a side note. you could have "colorized" code if you use
>>>   <pre name="code" class="scala"> or <textarea name="code"
>>> class="scala">
>>> instead of simple
>>>   <pre>
>>> /davidB
>>> PS: I'm was off-line several days.
>>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 00:05, Timothy Perrett 
>>> <timo...@getintheloop.eu>wrote:
>>>> Try shooting David B a mail offline – he’s the vscaladoc master.... Not
>>>> sure that he watches the lift list too much these days. Having said that
>>>> I’ve not seen him on Gtalk for sometime so not sure what his movements are.
>>>> Cheers, Tim
>>>> On 31/05/2009 22:50, "Derek Chen-Becker" <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> No, because they're intended to be formatting for the Scaladoc. Note
>>>> that I escape entities within the table that should be displayed.
>>> >>>

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