My guess:  It depends on the DB you're using.  If it's Oracle, you may
need to create a sequence for the table ID. Alternatively your ORM
configuration may need to know what dialect of database to use.

Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 4:31 PM, David Persons<> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I switched from the Mapper Framework to JPA. Example of one of the
> entities:
> @Entity
> class Scene {
> �...@id
> �...@generatedvalue(){val strategy = GenerationType.AUTO}
>  var id : Long = _
> �...@column{val unique = true, val nullable = false}
>  var ordering : Int = _
> �...@column{val unique = true, val nullable = false}
>  var name : String = ""
> �...@manytoone{val optional = false}
>  var storyBoard : StoryBoard = _
> }
> When trying to save a new Scene, I keep getting the following error:
> org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not get or update
> next value
> What can be the problem??
> regards,
> David
> >

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