I've used Mapper in desktop apps too. It works fine.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Naftoli Gugenhem <naftoli...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I used mapper in an offline (demo) app. You have to include the util and
> http jars IIRC but it's a desktop app. If you're subcribed to scala-user, I
> posted it (I think last week) in the thread about a scala SWT DSL.
> -------------------------------------
> Timothy Perrett<timo...@getintheloop.eu> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Mapper does not work standalone, its not like ActiveRecord in that
> sense - its tied to lift-webkit. Your best bet would be to go with
> JPA; I think that will serve you better anyway.
> Cheers, Tim
> On Jun 23, 4:47 pm, Joe Wass <j...@folktunefinder.com> wrote:
> > Good afternoon (at least in England),
> >
> > I'm writing an application which has a significant Lift manifestation,
> > but also some stand-alone Scala (maybe even Java but I'll exclude this
> > from the conversation). The stand-alone code is a set of tools that
> > hang off the database and do some heavy-lifting with the data in the
> > database, out of sync with the site. Something like periodic data-
> > crunching from the data on the site. The question comes down to
> > database mapping.
> >
> > I was wondering what people think is a sensible way of doing this. My
> > data model is simple enough that Mapper could work and I could use the
> > same classes. I'm aware there are many different ways I could do it,
> > but it would be nice to do it that way for the sake of simplicity.
> >
> > Does this sound a sensible approach? Has anyone else written an app
> > that's half online, half offline? Are there any obvious pitfalls?
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Joe
> >

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