Tim, Eric,

> everyone has to start
> somewhere and saying Lift is only appropriate for hardcore programmers
> because its a new framework is wrong IMHO.

Compared to certain other starting points, there are a lot of extra
hurdles to overcome if you're going to attempt lift as your intro to
programming.  For example, contrasted to a simple non-lift project,
the person would have to become familiar with:
- maven
- command line
- many "advanced" aspects of scala
- deal with less reliable IDE tools and sometimes forgo their benefits

A new programmer shouldn't try to deal with more than one of those at
a time, or he'll get stuck on lots of fruitless problems (sometimes
for days), and likely have to go back to a simpler environment
anyway.  It's better to start programming by: 1) *programming* rather
than learning tools, and 2) having the full support of an IDE.

I'd also echo the sentiment which has already been expressed here a
few times: just start working with code and don't worry about getting
the architecture right.

Architecture is a medium-to-advanced topic, btw, that requires you to
judge the value of choosing among multi-factored tradeoffs.  That kind
of knowledge mostly comes from *experience* with all the patterns in
various contexts.

Best regards,

On Jul 6, 12:17 pm, Timothy Perrett <timo...@getintheloop.eu> wrote:
> Ellis,
> Im afraid I disagree with you - Eric does not state what type of
> "eComerce" application he wants to create... IMO, this is very
> subjective. Lift ships out of the box with PayPal integration - one
> could say that a site which allows a user to pay via paypal is
> eCommerce... would you disagree?
> If Eric takes on advice from the Lift Book and perhaps a learning
> scala book like DPP's, then asks lift related questions on here when
> he needs specific help im sure he'll be fine... everyone has to start
> somewhere and saying Lift is only appropriate for hardcore programmers
> because its a new framework is wrong IMHO.
> Eric, good luck to you - the lift community is a great place to start
> your programming endeavors; you probably have a slightly steeper
> learning curve than most, but provided you have grit and determination
> there is nothing to say you will not reach your goals. Think
> positive.
> Cheers, Tim
> On Jul 6, 10:13 am, Ellis <ellis.whiteh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Eric,
> > Here are a few comments and suggestions.
> > - Honestly, I don't think that lift and scala are the right places for
> > you to start out.  The systems are very powerful, but relatively new,
> > and so they are still geared towards more experienced programmers.
> > - You'll need more than a month to become comfortable with an entirely
> > new programming environment.
> > - The java toolset can be confusing.  Try NetBeans; it's easier to
> > understand than Eclipse.
> > - An e-commerce program would take years to get right, but if that's
> > what inspires you, you might want to focus on just small parts of such
> > a program instead.
> > Cheers,
> > Ellis
> > On Jul 6, 5:13 am, eric cs <eeri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > > I saw some posts on Scala website about helping newcomers and I was
> > > wondering if some of you would be kind enough to help me out to start
> > > with Scala/Lift.
> > > My main problem is I am not a programmer yet but I really really want
> > > to be, I've been studying Ruby/Rails, Php/Zend/Symfony,Mvc,Design
> > > Patterns,Uml,Sql and some Java. I read some books but I don't get my
> > > head to think like a programer.
> > > I really like OO,Design Patterns, Uml but I don't know how to apply
> > > that to a full application, how to link everything together,
> > > classes,objects(books about that?Not about those items but how to put
> > > everything together)...I know a lot of the theory and concepts but no
> > > practice.
> > > I have all july available to learn that 12 hours a day or more if
> > > necessary I just need a push, someone to teach/help me out.
> > > What's more, I saw a post saying that I could learn Scala from scratch
> > > without learning Java, it's possible, not so much with Groovy. If it's
> > > not what parts of Java do I need to know, in case some of you tell me
> > > learn Java first(the easy answer).Do I need a lot of experience in
> > > Java to jump in in Scala? I know it helps but I would like to finish
> > > my first e-commerce in august, 100% opensource in Scala if possible.
> > > P.s:I did 2 years of Computer Science C++ and 2 years of Civil
> > > Engineering over 12 years ago both unfinished.

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