Hi all

I'm completely new to Lift (and Scala) so I'm not yet very familiar
with the Lift-specific needs regarding modularization. But I just come
from an OSGi project and would like to share two experiences I've had:

* Usually OSGi handles classloading very well. Where you can run into
problems is when third-party libraries do their own classloading
wizardry. I've spent quite some time hunting down exceptions like
"java.lang.Object Class Not Found". There are solutions and
workarounds for such problems. (The most important ones would be
passing along the classloader of the current thread to a library doing
its own classloading stuff, importing more classes from that library
in case of broken classloading chains and using the bootdelegation
runtime parameter of the OSGi framework.) How well these would work in
combination with Lift and Scala I don't know.
* People have grown tired of keeping manually track of OSGi services
and bundles by subscribing to the service registry or by using a
ServiceTracker. Several solutions exist to automatically keep track of
dependencies and dynamically start and stop bundles. The one I've used
are OSGi's own Declarative Services. But there exist several other
solutions to look at: Eclipse Extensions, Spring-OSGi, iPOJO and
possibly more. I've chosen Declarative Services because they are part
of the OSGi Service Compendium and seem to be comparatively
lightweight, but everything else probably would have worked just as

I do like OSGi because I think it adds modularization functionality to
Java which it has really been missing. Whether it's the right tool to
use for Lift I gladly let the Lift cracks decide. I clearly don't

I hope this was at least tangentially helpful.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Heiko
Seeberger<heiko.seeber...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a very good discussion!
> As I am trying to provide OSGi support for Lift, I already encountered this
> booting/resolving issue. If we could go for OSGi-only this would be a
> straightforward task (like Stephen described), but we have to support both
> worlds: Static monolithic non-OSGi and dynamic modular OSGi.
> I have not yet come up with a solution (could someone please sell me some
> spare time) but I know for sure there have to be some major changes to
> resolving/classloading and static-ness (e.g. LiftRules only lets you add
> stuff, but OSGi requires stuff to be removed on stopping/uninstalling
> bundles again) if we want proper OSGi support.
> Any ideas/discussions are very welcome! Go on!
> Cheers
> Heiko
> 2009/7/29 stephen goldbaum <stephen.goldb...@gmail.com>
>> Classpath management is one of OSGi's features.  Another is dynamic
>> service registry and dependency management.  So following that route,
>> the Lift framework would define an interface that exposes much of what
>> is currently found in Boot.  Modules (OSGi bundles) would create
>> implementations of that interface and register them during startup
>> (fortunately the details are usually handled automatically).  Lift
>> would also define a manager class that listens to the registry and
>> does whatever bookkeeping is required when modules come and go.
>> Eclipse RCP is a great example of this in action.  Note that defining
>> a framework on top OSGi can also be a slippery slope.  RCP is a good
>> example of that as well; it's an extensive framework on top of OSGi.
>> So, the question is whether it's worth turning what is currently a
>> straightforward boot process into something that is more modular
>> though more complicated.  If so, a good first step would be to define
>> that manager class and interface since these could be wired together
>> by any means (Scala, OSGi, Spring, etc.) without necessarily branching
>> too far.  I can take a look if you all think it's worth it (and if
>> Heiko hasn't already).
>> -Stephen

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