Ah, perfect!  Thx!

Incidentally, I simplified in two places by instead of doing this:

List.range(0, rowNum).foldLeft(Util.emptyNodeSeq)((ns, i) => {

doing this:

List.range(0, rowNum).flatMap(i => {

(simlar change in the row function)


On Aug 18, 3:52 pm, Ryan Donahue <donahu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You could do something like this.
> Snippet:
>   def func(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>     val foos = Foo.findAll(...)
>     val rowSize = (S.attr("rowSize") openOr "10").toInt
>     val rowNum = (foos.size + rowSize - 1) / rowSize
>     List.range(0, rowNum).foldLeft(Util.emptyNodeSeq)((ns, i) => {
>       val start = i*rowSize
>       val end = start+rowSize
>       ns ++ bind("list", xhtml, "row" -> row(foos.slice(start, end))
> _)
>     })
>   }
>   private def row(foos:List[String])(xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
>     foos.foldLeft(Util.emptyNodeSeq)((ns, foo) => ns ++ bind("foo",
> xhtml, "name" -> foo.name))
> Then your template can use table/tr/td or it could just use floating
> divs that wrap over when necessary:
> <table>
>   <lift:MyPage.func rowSize="10">
>     <tr>
>       <list:row>
>         <td><foo:name/></td>
>       </list:row>
>     </tr>
>   </lift:MyPage.func>
> </table>
> OR
> <lift:MyPage.func>
>   <list:row>
>     <div class="cell"><foo:name/></div>
>   </list:row>
> </lift:MyPage.func>
> For an empty NodeSeq that works in the foldLeft I've had to create the
> following.  Anybody know a better way?
> object Util {
>   val emptyNodeSeq : NodeSeq = NodeSeq.fromSeq(Seq(<xml:group></
> xml:group>))
> }
> On Aug 18, 2:58 pm, harryh <har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a List[Foo] and I want to construct a table with 10 columns and
> > however many rows necessary to contain all the Foos. I feel like I
> > should do something like so, but it's not quite right yet:
> > <table>
> >   <lift:MyPage.func>
> >     <td><foo:name/></td>
> >  </lift:MyPage.func>
> > </table>
> > def func(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
> >   val cells: List[NodeSeq] = Foo.findAll(...).flatMap(foo => {
> >     bind("foo", xhtml, "name" -> foo.name)
> >   })
> >   // then reduce the list of cells putting in <tr>s in appropriate
> > places, but not sure how.
> > }

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