
I have created a simple test application to play around with comet.
it's a "live CRUD table" the comet updates its clients with every
change to the records( There is no database, just a List[Game] in the
Game object). I have three questions about this:

1.I know that Comets won't work with GAE-J, but which application
servers can i use? Or is there one that's "recommended"? Since i had
JBOSS 4.2.3AG already on my system i tried this, but without succes...
2.Is the way i'am using JQuery right way? or maybe, is there a better
way to this?
3. The three case classes: NewGame(g: Game),RemoveGame(g:
Game),UpdateGame(g: Game) all extend GameMsg. In the partial function
highPriority i have tried to match: NewGame(g), RemoveGame(g) and
UpdateGame(g) that doesn't seem to work, but why?



class GameList extends CometActor with CometListenee{
        override def defaultPrefix = Full("entry")
        override def parentTag = <tbody></tbody>
        override def devMode = false
        override def hasOuter = false

    protected def registerWith = Game
        override def render = new RenderOut( (Game.getGames.flatMap
(bindGameRow(_))).toSeq )

        override def highPriority: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = {
                case (g:Game, NewGame()) => partialUpdate(PrependHtml
                case (g:Game, RemoveGame()) => partialUpdate(RemoveById
                case (g:Game, UpdateGame())  => partialUpdate(ReplaceWithById
(""+g.gid, bindGameRow(g)))

        private def bindGameRow(g:Game) =
              <tr id={""+g.gid}>
                   {bind("id" -> g.gid,
                           "name" -> SHtml.link("/game", () => 
                            "players" -> g.playerStatus,
                            "owner" -> g.creator,
                            "timestamp" -> <b>{g.createdOn.toString}</b>,
                            "joinlink" -> SHtml.ajaxButton("Delete game!",
{() => Game ! Game.DeleteGame(g);Noop}))


//some javascript stuff
object RemoveById {
  def apply(uid: String) = new RemoveById(uid)

class RemoveById(val uid: String) extends JsCmd {
  def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery("+ ("#"+uid).encJs + ").remove();} catch
(e) {}"

object ReplaceWithById {
  def apply(uid: String, nsq: NodeSeq) = new ReplaceWithById(uid,

class ReplaceWithById(val uid: String, val content:String) extends
JsCmd {
  def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery("+("#"+uid).encJs+").replaceWith($('"+
content.encJs +"'));} catch (e) {}"

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