I'm really enjoying using Lift. It makes this AJAX and comet stuff
very easy!

I have a problem with rendered AJAX NodeSeqs using SHtml.

This is within a Comet actor. On first render, it works fine. For
instance, in my HTML, I get:

<a key="F2524140538393W2" href="javascript://"
onclick="lift_ajaxHandler('F2524140538393W2=true', null, null)">
        <span id="someuniqueid"/>

The <a> and two <span>s are the rendered content.

On partial updates however, I get this:

<lift:a key="F555356094486VTJ">
        <span id="someuniqueid"/>

It looks like the <a> is not fully rendered.

The call to SHtml.a() occurs within the context of a bind() call - I
assume this is ok.

If anyone could help I'd be most grateful.
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