Hi Marius, thanks for your raply

I am using it in my html page as:

        <lift:snippet type="msgs">


On Feb 6, 10:12 am, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you using in your html page <lift:msgs/> ?
> Br's,
> Marius
> On Feb 6, 10:45 am, wibblecp <wibbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm newbie with lifts and I am having a little problem. I am using
> > Lift2.0-M1.
> > I have a snippet that runs the rescue of a model. The method is called
> > when the submit the form
> > [code]
> > def validateAndSave (): Unit = currentEntry.validate match {
> >       case Nil => currentEntry.save ; S.notice(currentEntry.title + "
> > SAVED!")
> >       case x => println(x) ; S.error(x);
> >     }
> > [/code]
> > I am not able to view the error messages in the browser, but only in
> > the shell.
> > Instead of using S.error(x) I tried S.error(""+x). Now when I submit a
> > form I see the error messages but the message looks like this:
> > [code]
> > List(Full(entries_code) : Description must not be empty,
> > Full(entries_title) : Title must not be empty;,
> > Full(entries_author_email) : Invalid email address)
> > [/code]
> > So, the message are not displayed as expected and I am not able to
> > understand the reason for S.error("" + x) to read something.
> > Could anyone give me an advice?
> > Thanks for your helps.
> > Ragards,
> > w.

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