Hi Jeppe,
<lift:Msgs showAll="true"> does not work. Always the same result.

If the form does not contain errors the data are saved well and the
browser display S.notice("saved") correctly.
The S.error method returns a List[FieldError]. I receive a List with
the format of List(Full(tablename_field) : message)

this is a field of my database class:
object description extends MappedTextarea(this, 255) {
    override def displayName = "Description"
    override def validations =  valMinLen(1, S.??("description must
not be empty")) _ :: super.validations



On Feb 6, 12:19 pm, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> wibblecp <wibbl...@gmail.com> writes:
> > it does not work even in the case of a single error on the form.
> > the result is always a List(Full(entries_code) : Description must not
> > be empty)
> Try adding showAll:
> <lift:Msgs showAll="true">
> But default, Msgs doesnøt show field-level errors
> /Jeppe

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