Robert Thurnher <> writes:

> Dear list,
> I'm pretty new to Lift (went thru the "getting started" tutorial,
> checked out the book plus its sample app, dived into Lift's source a
> little and am by now tinkering w/ coding up some rather simple first
> apps for further learning etc.).
> So, first of all, I'd like to thank you for this great framework;
> really like it so far.
> Currently, I'm having some issues w/ getting customized page access
> control of CRUDified models to work properly. Unfortunately, I wasn't
> able to figure them out solely by reading documentation, code and
> previous list threads.
> I'm using lift-core 1.0.2 

I suggest you upgrade to 2.0-SNAPSHOT (or M1}, much improved :-)

> and here's a respective code snippet (from a model mixing in
> LongCRUDify trait):
> val loggedIn = If(() => User.loggedIn_?, () =>
>     RedirectResponse("/user_mgt/login"))
> override def createMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
>   Full(Menu(Loc("Create "+Prefix, createPath, createMenuName,
> locSnippets,
>                 loggedIn, Loc.Template(createTemplate))))
> Now, the compiler complains about a type mismatch at createPath
> (List[java.lang.String] instead of
> net.liftweb.sitemap.Loc.Link[net.liftweb.sitemap.NullLocParams]).
> Probably a solution is obvious, sorry to bother you w/ this in
> advance. :)

Try to add 

import net.liftweb.sitemap.Loc._

to get the implicits in Loc.


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