On Feb 24, 11:09 am, dave <dpdear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 24, 10:33 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 7:21 PM, dave <dpdear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Further investigation leads me to believe that each pathway is either
> > > working in a different session or that Lift just doesn't know about my
> > > application's session.
> > > S.inStatefulScope_? returns true from the Lift pathway and false from
> > > my own.
> > > I'll keep following this path, but, being a Lift newbie, any pointers
> > > or tips to speed me along would be appreciated.
> > What is "your own" path way? Is it a browser request or a request from
> > another servlet? If the latter, make sure you provide any session
> > cookies/url parameters needed to correctly propagate the container
> > session to lift.
> > This of course is also needed if it's a browser request, but if it's a
> > request within the same web app, this should be handled
> > automatically....
> > /Jeppe
> Thanks Jeppe,
> The pathway that doesn't work is when trying to call logUserIn from my
> own non-Lift servlet.  We have the web.xml LiftFilter pointing to a
> subfolder that doesn't contain that servlet so it is not in the Lift
> session.
> I've just tried moving the LiftFilter to the full /* url-pattern
> (instead of the previous /subfolder/*) and setting
> LiftRules.passNotFoundToChain = true, but this is causing "Client did
> not send n bytes as expected" errors on the regular servlet.
> Prior to calling logUserIn from my servlet, is it possible to manually
> initialize Lift's S.session?  I see S.initIfUninitted, but where/how
> would I get a LiftSession?

Progress, but still having some trouble.

I've managed to sync up the Lift session with my Servlet session using
SessionMaster.getSession to load the existing LiftSession, but this
only works if I visit my http://domain.com/subfolder/user_mgt first,
causing Lift to automatically create the initial LiftSession.

If that session does not exist, I'm using LiftRules.sessionCreator to
create a new LiftSession with my Servlet session (as shown below).  In
theory I think this should work--when I visit /subfolder/user_mgt/* it
has the same session ID, but I think it may be creating a new
LiftSession instead of using the existing one because the curUserId is

Any thoughts/tips?  Thanks!!

   val ls = SessionMaster.getSession(Request.session.getId, Empty)
      new provider.servlet.HTTPServletSession(Request.session), "")))

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