On Mar 6, 2:20 pm, Timothy Perrett <timo...@getintheloop.eu> wrote:
> > > Okay... sorry... but this is a gratuitous swipe.  Ugly == Not Easy to Use.
> > > Nope.  Sorry.  I don't buy this.
> > Maven commands that wont copy and paste correctly == Not Easy To Use.
> Im not sure it is difficult to copy and paste:
> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://scala-tools.org/
> Its one line... easy. Im not saying maven does not suck, but this is
> one the wiki home page people...

My boss wants to check out lift, help the html designer do some
template cleanup.  He goes to liftweb.net, clicks on getting started
(a pretty reasonable first choice).  Finds the section on creating a
new project, copies the maven command.  It doesn't work, with a
cryptic error.  He's a smart enough guy to eventually figure out to
put it all on one line in the shell, but what do you think his
impression of the project is at this point?

> > I don't see a "how to use SBT" or "how to make Maven suck less"  page
> > in the wiki, can I write one?
> The wiki is completely open. Yes.

Ok, cool, i'll try to get something up soon.  What's the process for
getting http://liftweb.net/docs/getting_started/mod_master.html
changed, since at this point there's been more talking about it than
the time it would actually have taken to fix.

> > yet the examples and the lift book (and to a
> > certain extent the design of lift itself) encourage putting markup in
> > snippet code.  Show people how to do it the right way.
> Disagree. The archetypes use bind these days so im not sure how we are
> promoting use of HTML literals. Personally, I always always use bind.
> Cheeers, Tim


class HelloWorld {
 def howdy: NodeSeq =
   <span>Welcome to helloworld at {new java.util.Date}</span>

As you say, the current archetypes use bind, but how is a newcomer
even going to find those when the most obvious references on the
homepage are all to 1.0 era code?  The first time I looked at lift, I
read the first couple of chapters of the lift book and disregarded it
for exactly this reason.

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