This thread is another nice example of the kindly atmosphere within
the Lift community!

It's already late so I don't want to join the discussion in detail ;)

The only thing I'd like to add to the "documentation" talk is that I'd
really appreciate to have an up-to-date aggregated scaladoc of all the
Lift modules at hand. When looking for a new framework or library the
first thing I'd like to have a look at after reading the homepage is
the javadoc/scaladoc. This always gives me a good impression of the
state of a project. Unfortunately this is not very good with Lift. All
the links I've found either point to "old" versions (the prominent one
placed on shows the 1.0 API) or they just show one
module with all the links into another modules being broken.
Generating a complete scaladoc with mvn site works, but documenation
is scattered into pieces located into the various target/site
directories. However, I think presenting the API prominently to the
outside world is a good (and not so expensive) advertisement for a
project at least for the developer audience.


PS. Keep up the great work!

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