ZmnSCPxj <> writes:
>>> Please describe the below:
>>> 1.  Behavior if payment succeeds after T time.
>>> 2.  Behavior if payment fails after T time.
>>> It seems you only described "Behavior if payment succeeds after T time".
>> Ah, sorry if I didn't make that clear. The reputation is increased in the 
>> case of successful payments by the fee collected. The reputation is 
>> decreased on the downstream peer proportional to time T regardless of 
>> whether the payment succeeds or fails. If a payment succeeds quickly, the 
>> increase should outweigh the decrease, but if the payment succeeds after a 
>> long time, the change in reputation may be net negative. If the payment 
>> fails, the upstream peer's reputation does not change and the downstream 
>> peer's reputation always decreases proportional to time T.
> Thank you.  So:
> 1.  If payment succeeds after T time, upstream reputation is increased by fee 
> earned, downstream reputation is increased by fee earned, downstream 
> reputation is decreased by T * reputation_loss_rate.
> 2.  If payment fails after T time, downstream reputation is decreased by T * 
> reputation_loss_rate.

So, to be clear, there's no *financial* fee on failure, just reputation

Also, you talked about reputation_loss_rate as being a private per-node
thing, and being an explicit thing in the HTLC.  I'm ignoring the
former, and assuming the latter.

OK, let's consider a 1000 satoshi HTLC, paying a 10ppm fee and with a
1ppm-per-second reputation_loss_rate.

If it succeeds in 1 second (measuring reputation in millisatoshi,
because its cute):

        reputation[source] += 10
        reputation[destination] += 10 - 1

If it succeeds in 10 seconds:

        reputation[source] += 10
        reputation[destination] += 10 - 10

If it fails in 10 seconds:

        reputation[destination] -= 10

And if it falls onto the chain and fails after 144 blocks:

        reputation[destination] -= 86400

In this scheme, it seems that I can destroy N reputation points in 18
nodes for cost N:

        Mallory1 -> Node1 -> Node2 -> ..... -> Node18 -> Mallory2

Mallory2 pays a crapload of fees to Node18 to pay Mallory3, getting a
great reputation.  Then Mallory1 sends a payment to Mallory2, which
takes a day to resolve.

Of course, this is why you want ramped reputation_loss_rate, say 1ppm
for Mallory1->Node1, 2ppm ->Node2.... 19ppm for Mallory2.  That just
means Mallory can destroy 9*N total reputation points, not 18*N.

You can fix this by making it reputation_loss_rate exponential, but I
don't think Node1 could ever get the 262144x reputation to make the
payment in the first place.

What am I missing?

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