Good morning cdecker,

> I was looking into the docs [1] and stumbled over `createinvoice` which does 
> almost what you need. However it requires the preimage, and stores the 
> invoice in the database which you don't want.

Indeed, that is precisely the issue, we need a `signfakeinvoice` command, as we 
cannot know at invoice creation time the preimage, and our invoice database 
currently assumes every invoice has a preimage known and recorded in the 

> However if you have access to the `hsm_secret` you could sign in the plugin 
> itself, completely sidestepping `lightningd`. Once you have that it should be 
> a couple of days work to get a PoC plugin for the coordination and testing. 
> From there it depends on how much polish you want to apply and what other 
> systems you want to embed it into.

Well, the point of an `hsmd` is that it might be replaced with a driver to an 
actual hardware signing module (H S M).
The `lightningd`<->`hsmd` interface includes commands for invoice signing, and 
`signfakeinvoice` would essentially just expose that interface, so an HSM has 
to support that interface.
So a plugin cannot rely on `hsm_secret` existing, as the signer might not be 
emulated in software (i.e. what we do now) but be an actual hardware signer 
that does not keep the secret keys on the same disk.
This is the reason why we (well, I) created and exposed `getsharedsecret`, in 
theory a plugin could just read `hsm_secret`, but we want to consider a future 
where the HSM is truly a hardware module.

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