If there is a payment to go from party A to be split between parties B & C,
is it possible that only one of B or C would need a plugin?

If all receiving parties need a plugin that is quite limiting. Thanks, Ronan

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 3:06 PM ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning cdecker,
> > I was looking into the docs [1] and stumbled over `createinvoice` which
> does almost what you need. However it requires the preimage, and stores the
> invoice in the database which you don't want.
> Indeed, that is precisely the issue, we need a `signfakeinvoice` command,
> as we cannot know at invoice creation time the preimage, and our invoice
> database currently assumes every invoice has a preimage known and recorded
> in the database.
> >
> > However if you have access to the `hsm_secret` you could sign in the
> plugin itself, completely sidestepping `lightningd`. Once you have that it
> should be a couple of days work to get a PoC plugin for the coordination
> and testing. From there it depends on how much polish you want to apply and
> what other systems you want to embed it into.
> Well, the point of an `hsmd` is that it might be replaced with a driver to
> an actual hardware signing module (H S M).
> The `lightningd`<->`hsmd` interface includes commands for invoice signing,
> and `signfakeinvoice` would essentially just expose that interface, so an
> HSM has to support that interface.
> So a plugin cannot rely on `hsm_secret` existing, as the signer might not
> be emulated in software (i.e. what we do now) but be an actual hardware
> signer that does not keep the secret keys on the same disk.
> This is the reason why we (well, I) created and exposed `getsharedsecret`,
> in theory a plugin could just read `hsm_secret`, but we want to consider a
> future where the HSM is truly a hardware module.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
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