> With a binary solution a single attacker can easily fill your quota of
> low-confidence HTLCs and then all low-reputation nodes are blocked. But not
> all of them are attackers, some of them just don't send you enough traffic
> to get a high reputation for instance and you're going to block them too.
> With a continuous solution you can differentiate between an active attacker
> and someone who just sends to nodes with poor connectivity and only block
> the first.

If it's very cheap to behave like a neighbour with poor connectivity, why
wouldn't the attacker mimic this, and then block?
Differentiating between a potential attacker and just a low-traffic
neighbour is very difficult. I think that instead of "low/high reputation"
a better way to think about it is "unknown/endorsed", and just consider
which neighbour needs access to all resources and which one doesn't.

The idea of different bins was brought up a few times and might help a bit,
but I am not sure at all that it is worth the complication.

For reporting c truthfully, if you report it too high you will be penalized
> by having your reputation lowered, if you report it too low you will
> penalize your HTLCs and still get the same reputation as if you had
> reported it truthfully.

It might be that there is a strong motivation to underestimate than
overestimate. That is – the punishment for underestimating by X is
significantly smaller than for overestimating by X (or vice versa). The
formula you choose can affect this significantly.
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