On Tuesday March 2 2004 16:44, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> You are right.  Maybe we are sending conflicting messages: do not
> compile Lily!  Help us (with the docs), send patches!
I've still got a little bit of work ahead of me to make it so I can compile 
docs myself, but yet I still try to help with the docs the best I can.

> What to do?  Maybe we should just change the 'do not compile' attitude
> a bit, and have 'supported' development platforms with a detailed
> recipe to compile lily.  The contributers of binary releases should
> make sure that the recipe stays up to date.  Would this work?
I think a 'do not compile' attitude, as does a 'supported platforms' 
limitation, creates an atmosphere where the thought of 'open source' is not 
feeling so open to people.

Compiling LilyPond has helped me reduce my linux ignorance and also become 
aware of some dependencies which are pretty cool programs themselves (thank 
you again). Of all the problems I've had trying to get programs to compile, 
I've had worse problems and spent longer trying to deal with packages. Just 
keep it 'workable' and I might just yet be able to build my lilydocs again.

Still thankful...
Ed Sutton

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