On Monday March 8 2004 04:26, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> I actually find that the depencies are well documented in INSTALL.txt,
> what information did you miss?
> Of course, it may sometimes be tricky to find out what RPM/.dpkg
> contains the necessary programs and files but that's hardly a
> LilyPond problem.
  My current stopper for building docs is a gs failure which I am guessing is 
due to my state of running font-deprived. I don't see any reason why they 
would actually state the requirements unless they're kinda odd; I think I've 
only got the basic of the basics in my available fonts now.
  Maybe I shouldn't have done that since I know so little about working with 
(/adding) fonts under linux. Maybe I'll figure it out if I have time this 
next week; It's my busy spring break...  =)
  The deps I needed were otherwise mentioned so far and reading readme/install 
files of those or config output makes it easy to figure out what I needed for 
those too when necessary. LilyPond goes to the extent to leave dependencies 
trackable just by reading and for this I am once again thankful for how well 
LilyPond is developed.

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