Laura Conrad wrote:
> Getting latex to not render a footnote marker is pretty easy.  You
> just say:
>      \footnotetext[1]{Here's the first footnote.}

Of course, I've been away from LaTeX for too long!

The sort of thing I had in mind was to get lilypond-book to (optionally)
produce a LaTeX file that contained information about things like bar
numbers and footnotes in eps snippets this could be input near the top
of the LaTeX source and then macros could be used to control things like
bar numbers in page headers. It looks entirely possible to me but it
would take some time to get right! But it would also mean you would be
able to say things like "see bar 16 of Fred Blogg's Symphony Op. 11
(page 6)". This sort of thing would be very useful if you were (say)
writing a book on orchestration.

I doubt that this sort of thing would be of top priority for core
developers so I will look and see what I can come up with myself.


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