I've read some more about Postscript fonts (ugh), and I don't really
understand why we use fonts the way we do.  Using a CIDFont without a
CMap is just gross.  I think if we set the fonts up a bit better, we
should be able to use xyshow rather than glyphshow, which is
infinitely prettier.  Also, we should be able to seriously improve
performance by hanging on to actual dictionaries for the fonts we use
rather than procedures for loading them.  It will take some care to
avoid space leaks, but I think it'll be worth it.  However, I don't
think it makes sense to even try to fix these problems until the
output code is refactored, whenever that is.  I would happily
volunteer to refactor it, but as much as I've read through, I really
don't understand how it all fits together.


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