Hi Max,

I agree with Trevor. These arrowed accidentals would be great to have...
even indispensable I would say. I'm sure many other composers will be
interested in having them as well.

I printed out your 20pt example sheet in a standard laser printer at
1200dpi. They look great. However, if you allow me to be ultra picky, I
might suggest stretching the arrows slightly (maybe an extra 50%), keeping
the width as it is. The reason being that the hight of the arrows now seems
to be exactly that of the separation between staff lines, so when arrows
fall on spaces (e.g. d'#, f'#) the "staff pattern" is not interrupted
because the staff lines are not intersected by the arrow, which seems to me
to make them a tiny bit less noticeable than when the arrows do break a line
(e.g. c'#, e'#). If you make the arrows a bit longer, then they will always
intersect a staff line (assuming they fall withing the staff of course),
therefore (maybe) making them a bit more salient.
Maybe a trivial observation, but it might be worth trying out.
In terms of design I think they do look feta.

Thanks again for the glyphs!


On 10/18/07, Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trevor Bača wrote:
> > These are outstanding!
> >
> > I don't have access to a true high-resolution printer, but the output
> > on my end is perfectly legible and I'd very much like to have access
> > to these new glyphs for use in my own scores.
> Thanks for your kind feedback. Much appreciated. :)
> > Also, I have a question: have you given any thought to adding these
> > same arrows to the quartertone accidentals as well?
> Indeed I have. But I figured it might be good to ask for some feedback
> first. :) It shouldn't be a big problem to get these working once the
> design is settled and approved, since they all have similar shapes and
> the arrow design is largely parametrized. Only the "mirroredflat.flat"
> symbol might cause a bit more work since the bottom is wider than that
> of the other symbols so that some curves may need to be adapted in order
> to integrate smoothly with the arrowshaft. But that can be tackled when
> the time comes. First, it would be nice to know if there is any interest
> in having these included and if anything needs to be improved.
> Max
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