Op maandag 28 januari 2008, schreef Trevor Daniels:
> I too oppose this as a mandatory change, and the
> creation of an alias.  \times does exactly what
> the word 'times' implies and not what 'tuplet'
> would imply.  The change would lead to still greater
> confusion, with new users writing the fraction
> upside-down.

I wrote this also in the tracker:
I have no problem with \times. I read \times 2/3 as 'duration times two-third' 
(dur * 2/3), while in \tuplet the fraction would be less clear. Also when 
applying \times to a long music fragment (rendering many tuplets), \times 
keeps its meaning, while I think 'tuplet' stands for a single bracketed group 
of notes. Concluding, I would say: You use the \times command to create 
tuplets :-)

just my €0.02,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
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