> Attached is a patch to implement straight flags (in modern style,
> i.e. slanted only ~20 degrees). I think the angles (different angles
> for up/down stems!)  and the lengths are okay, although they might
> still be fine-tuned a bit more.

Below is my patch of feta-banier.mf.

> However, I didn't find the exact cause of my second problem, where
> the flags do not start at the very end of the stem, but are shifted
> a little inwards... To see this problem, look at the attached sample
> file: In the second line (the down stems) the flags do not line up
> exactly with the end of the stem :(

The reason is simple: Note stems are drawn with rounded edges; normal
up-flags are designed to attach directly below the rounded edge.
Obviously, this doesn't work for straight up-flags.  My solution
(which is tested only for optical appearance but not within a lilypond
build) is to set the height of the straight flag to zero and retain
the small `stem' of the flag, which serves two purposes:

  . Overwrite the upper right rounded stem with a straight edge.

  . Assure that there isn't a single empty vertical pixel line between
    the attached flag and the stem (caused by rounding, for example).

The same applies (mirrored) to down-flags.

Everything else looks fine (I've removed the height of the grace
slash, but this is just a cosmetic change).


PS: For rapid lilypond font development, simply copy the `mf'
    directory to a separate place.  Then for example, to test feta20,

      mf '\mode:=proof; input feta20'
      gftodvi feta20.2602gf && mv feta20.dvi feta20.proof.dvi

    to get proof sheets,

      FONTFORGE=foo mf2pt1 --rounding=0.0001 feta20.mf

    to get raw Type 1 fonts, and

      mf2pt1 --rounding=0.0001 feta20.mf

    to get the final Type 1 font versions.
--- feta-banier.mf.old  2007-10-18 17:08:23.000000000 +0200
+++ feta-banier.mf      2008-07-25 08:55:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -468,4 +468,189 @@
+% Straight flags (old, but not ancient, style)
+save straight_flag_angle, straight_upflag_length;
+save straight_downflag_length, straight_flag_thickness;
+straight_upflag_angle = -18;
+straight_downflag_angle = 22;
+straight_upflag_length# = .95 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2;
+straight_downflag_length# = 1.0 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2;
+straight_flag_thickness# = 0.55 staff_space#;
+define_pixels (straight_upflag_length, straight_downflag_length);
+define_pixels (straight_flag_thickness);
+save straight_flag_path;
+path straight_flag_path;
+def draw_straight_flag (expr center, len, angle, thickness) =
+       clearxy;
+       save ellipse, T;
+       path ellipse;
+       transform T;
+       T := identity xscaled blot_diameter
+                     yscaled thickness;
+       pickup pencircle transformed T;
+       ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;
+       z1 = center;
+       z2 = z1 + len * dir (angle);
+       fill top z1
+            -- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z1 - z2, z2)
+            -- bot z1
+            -- cycle;
+def create_straight_flag_char (expr flag_count, len, lenhash, angle) =
+       save flagspace, depth, width;
+       flagspace# = 0.9 staff_space#;
+       define_pixels (flagspace);
+       (width#, depth#) = lenhash * dir (-angle)
+                          + (blot_diameter# / 2, straight_flag_thickness#)
+                          + (0, flagspace# * (flag_count - 1));
+       set_char_box (0, width#, depth#, 0);
+       for n = 1 upto flag_count:
+               draw_straight_flag ((0, -flagspace * (n - 1)
+                                         - straight_flag_thickness / 2),
+                                   len,
+                                   angle,
+                                   straight_flag_thickness);
+       endfor
+       draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded,
+                            -flag_count * flagspace), (0, 0));
+fet_beginchar ("straight 8th Flag (up)", "straightu3");
+       create_straight_flag_char (1, straight_upflag_length,
+                                  straight_upflag_length#,
+                                  straight_upflag_angle);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 16th Flag (up)", "straightu4");
+       create_straight_flag_char (2, straight_upflag_length,
+                                  straight_upflag_length#,
+                                  straight_upflag_angle);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 32nd Flag (up)", "straightu5");
+       create_straight_flag_char (3, straight_upflag_length,
+                                  straight_upflag_length#,
+                                  straight_upflag_angle);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 64th Flag (up)", "straightu6");
+       create_straight_flag_char (4, straight_upflag_length,
+                                  straight_upflag_length#,
+                                  straight_upflag_angle);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 8th (down)", "straightd3");
+       create_straight_flag_char (1, straight_downflag_length,
+                                  straight_downflag_length#,
+                                  -straight_downflag_angle);
+       y_mirror_char;
+fet_beginchar ("straight 16th (down)", "straightd4");
+       create_straight_flag_char (2, straight_downflag_length,
+                                  straight_downflag_length#,
+                                  -straight_downflag_angle);
+       y_mirror_char;
+fet_beginchar ("straight 32nd (down)", "straightd5");
+       create_straight_flag_char (3, straight_downflag_length,
+                                  straight_downflag_length#,
+                                  -straight_downflag_angle);
+       y_mirror_char;
+fet_beginchar ("straight 64th (down)", "straightd6");
+       create_straight_flag_char (4, straight_downflag_length,
+                                  straight_downflag_length#,
+                                  -straight_downflag_angle);
+       y_mirror_char;
+% Single Stroke for Short Appogiatura
+def create_straight_grace_dash =
+       save width_ratio, pre_depth_ratio, width, depth, tmpd;
+       pre_depth_ratio = .4;
+       width_ratio = 0.85;
+       (width#, tmpd#) =
+         straight_downflag_length# * dir (straight_downflag_angle)
+           + (blot_diameter# / 2, straight_flag_thickness#);
+       depth# = 2 staff_space#;
+       define_pixels (width, depth);
+       set_char_box (width# * pre_depth_ratio + blot_diameter# / 2,
+                     width# * width_ratio + blot_diameter# / 2,
+                     depth# + blot_diameter# / 2, 0)
+       pickup pencircle scaled 1.5 stemthickness;
+       z1 = (-b, -d);
+       z2 = (w, h);
+       penpos1 (1.5 stemthickness, angle (z2 - z1) - 90);
+       penpos2 (1.5 stemthickness, angle (z2 - z1) - 90);
+       fill z1l
+            -- z2l
+            .. top z2
+            .. rt z2
+            .. z2r
+            -- z1r
+            .. bot z1
+            .. lft z1
+            .. cycle;
+fet_beginchar ("straight grace dash (up)", "straightugrace");
+       create_straight_grace_dash;
+       penlabels (1, 2);
+fet_beginchar ("straight grace dash (down)", "straightdgrace");
+       create_straight_grace_dash;
+       y_mirror_char;
 fet_endgroup ("flags");
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