Graham Percival wrote Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:40 AM

Hi Trevor, Patick, Jonathan, Carl, Francisco, and Neil,

I'm now finished my thesis, course work, and everything I need to
get done until my thesis defense on Aug 19th.

That's really good - not many people have three weeks to spare!

However, this has
caused me to feel immensely fatigued and unenthusiastic about
lilypond work.

Hardly surprising, given the effort you've been expending,
and that's just what we can see on LilyPond work!  You need
at least a month's rest now, and you certainly deserve it.
You've taught many of us an awful lot, and the LP community
owe you a great debt.
After GDP, I anticipate that we'll have 6 doc writers left:
Trevor - LM 1-5, NR 3-6.
*Patrick - NR work
*Jonathan - NR work
Carl - NR work and devel
Francisco - possibly NR work, possibly translating
Neil - LSR updating, general technical fixit guy

Anyway, I'd urge you to read each other's sections -- and if you
can't find any problems, send a one-line "looks good to me!"
email.  Speaking from experience, it really sucks when you've
finished a 40-hour job and nobody says anything about it.

Yup :(  OK, I'll do my bit at reviewing.

Invidual notes:

Trevor: you know much better than I how LM 3-5 and NR 3-6 look.
Do whatever you want before 2.12 is out, and then continue doing
whatever you want.

I always have ;)  Seriously, it's looking increasingly unlikely
that I'll get NR 5 into decent shape before end-Aug, as progress
at the moment is painfully slow due to other activities.  My
goal at the moment is to resolve the FIXMEs and bring the standard
up to at least that of 2.10.

Patrick: please finish NR 1.3, 1.6, and then spend 2-3 hours on
the formatting for NR 3 input.tely.  I told Trevor focus on the
material and ignore formatting issues.

Thanks, Patrick.  There are a couple of TODOs left, and I didn't
even start to think about index entries, refs, snippets, etc.  Feel
free to modify anything else, too - another viewpoint is always good.

Neil: having a specific "technical help guy" is *very* useful; as
I'm sure you've discovered, keeping up to date on all this is a
full-time (volunteer) job by itself.

Neil, are you willing to help when I have questions about how
things work?  I can and have looked at source code to try to
find answers, but sometimes (well, actually, usually) it's too
opaque to help much.  Docs that are wrong are worse than no
docs, and sometimes I have doubts that what I am writing is
- Graham


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