On 10 Dec 2008, at 13:01, Graham Breed wrote:

doing transpositions. Otherwise, one could have written
 \key b \bayati

Say what?  You're talking about key signatures again, not

I just assume the system for transposing key signatures is synced with that.

You can uncomment anything you like now because the
rational numbers are accepted.


I've checked the documentation for key
signatures and see no indication that \key b \bayati could possible
work though.

In E12, I use key signatures like
  hitzaz = #`(
  (0 . 0)
  (1 . ,FLAT)
  (2 . 0)
  (3 . 0)
  (4 . 0)
  (5 . ,FLAT)
  (6 . ,FLAT)
  \tempo 4 = 144
  \key b \hitzaz
  \time 7/16
and they work just fine.

It would be the same, but for intermediate pitches. In Turkish and Arab music they may give a transposition a new name, but in Farhat had transpositions in Persian music.

I think the reason is that key signature only work in E24. Then on top of that, an non-transposable model for Turkish music was added. But it isn't
really transposed, so it is not a problem.

If the key signature works with quarter-tones but not sixth-tones
there must surely be a bug.  So report it.  Don't bury this in a huge
thread that the developers have probably given up on reading.

I keep saying that it was a feature, not a bug, due to the development history. You keep returning to it, creating noise.

This, incidentally, will give you the key signature in terms of
generic intervals instead of fractions:

  \set Staff.keySignature =  #(list
    (cons 2 HALFFLAT)
    (cons 6 FLAT))

Fine, I may try it someday.

I wanted to drop off the model I gave to some developer, so that they could think it was useful to them. The changes run too deep for it making sense on
any other list.

I doubt they could have understood it if I hadn't been here.

It is probably good if you and other microtonalists help out. - If you can learn my system, i don't have to worry about it. :-)

But you are not developing LilyPond either, right? - so my attempt failed.

I can read C++ and Scheme.  I think support for retuning the nominals
would be entirely reasonable.  So if I can get a patch maybe it would
be accepted.  It isn't a priority though because I'm mainly looking at
the printed output and we can surely hack the init files for now.

I have found Haskell <http://haskell.org/> useful, using the interpreter Hugs <http://haskell.org/hugs/> or compiler GHC <http:// haskell.org/ghc/>. Hugs is good as a programmable calculator, but with a full typed functional language in the back.


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