2008/12/10 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 08:01:08PM +0800, Graham Breed wrote:
>> I've checked the documentation for key signatures and see no
>> indication that \key b \bayati could possible work though.
> Say what?
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/Documentation/user/lilypond/Arabic-music#Arabic-key-signatures

Ah, sorry.  I was looking at the documentation for an earlier build
for which I don't have an arabic.ly.  Hans was using is own \bayati
which may have been defined differently.

> I have no clue (beyond "microtones") what you two have been
> talking about, but perhaps Hans should take a serious look at what
> is ALREADY WORKING in 2.11.65 before discussing new features.

It looks like there is something weird with the non-standard key
signatures.  If you specify an alteration as (octave . step) then it
only applies the first time a note of that pitch is written.

> You'll want to pay special attention to ly/arabic.ly, and make
> sure you understand everything that's happening in there.

Okay, I'll have a look tomorrow.  Where do I find it in a Linux installer?

                       t'other Graham

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