On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 03:04:55AM +0100, John Mandereau wrote:
> Sawada wrote:
>> In that sub subsection, there is a command as following:
>> nice make LILYPOND_EXTERNAL_BINARY=/path/to/bin/lilypond web
>> I wonder "nice" is not needed, though it is harmless.
> "nice" is not needed, that's a Grahamism,

Yes, I'm a very "nice" person.  ;)

> but I think it's not a problem  if it remains there, I'd expect
> people who run this command with no knoweledge of nice comand to
> do "man  nice" :-)

Basically, it came down to this: if somebody doesn't know what
they're doing, then they would probably rather have the 45-minute
doc build be low-priority (so they can still use mail or browse
the web or whatever), rather than high-priority.  I can't think of
any instance where anybody without serious unix knowledge[1] would
*want* a long build to take priority over other things, so I made
the copy&paste command match that.

[1]  Sure, somebody running a build-box server for multiple
open-source projects might want the lilypond build to be higher
priority than a complete freebsd build... but that's a pretty
special case, and the persons involved would have sufficient unix
knowledge to remove or modify the nice command.

- Graham

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