2009/3/1 Frédéric Bron <frederic.b...@m4x.org>:
> Well thank you. I have downloaded your score and found \ind and \nind
> but both start on the next note. However, I like the syntax \ind
> #"cresc poco a poco". It is a bit more painful than what I propose
> \<"cresc poco a poco" but it can be done today without changing the
> parser.

No, that is not what I have in mind. Actually, I was more referring to
Graham's compound dynamics that (through the use of 'tweaks) are
attached _after_ the note, such as c'\flegato

I have written something like that for text spanners too, but (see below).

> I have also seen that you do quite often such thing:
> c\ff \dim c c c\!

I do not. I only use \< and \>

2009/3/1 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> Yes.  I think that somebody (a Frog?) would need to make \cresc a
> built-in command rather than simply being defined in
> ly/spanner-init.ly (or maybe dynamics-init.ly ?)

No, actually I have been thinking about this and here's what I'd propose.

The mail problem with using the 'tweaks method is that you can't pass
the text as an argument; you have to first define a meta-function,
then define all your strings as follows:

flegato = #(make-extra-dynamic "f" "legato")

and so on.

What I'd really like to see implemented is an equivalent of
define-music-function, but that would instead be called
define-music-tweak, that could take any argument (strings, numbers,
whatever) /except/ music expressions, and that would be entered
immediately /after/ the affected note (like an articulation), whereas
music-functions have to be entered /before/ the note they affect
(that's actually a ly:music? argument).

I don't know if I'm making myself clear.

And FWIW, I doubt any Frog could implement such a new infrastructure.
I certainely can not.


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