Kieren MacMillan wrote:

2. Can Hairpin inherit line-spanner-interface? If so, can this be done in Scheme, or does it require C++?
It already has the line-interface and the spanner-interface as well as 3 other interfaces. Exactly what are you missing in the Hairpin?

I'd like to be able to set #'bound-details, in particular the padding:

\version "2.12.2"
\paper { ragged-right = ##f }
hairpinBoundTest = \relative { c'4\< c\! \override Hairpin #'(bound-details right padding) = #5.0 c\< c\! }
\score { \hairpinBoundTest }

Eventually, I'd like to have a callback function that gives me the padding in terms of beats in the current measure (as opposed to staff spaces), so that I could "trim" a Hairpin by (e.g.) a half note. This ability would completely eliminate the need for spacer skips, extra voices, etc.

Does that make sense?
Implementing such a feature by first trying to translate the duration into a numerical value and then set the padding doesn't seem like the best solution to me. For example, how do you handle the situation where there's a line break inbetween? I'd rather go for a solution that internally is equivalent to spacer notes in a parallel line of music (within the same Voice context, though), but where the user doesn't have to see this internal representation.


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