Hi Carl,

One issue that comes up in your proposal is that a 1/16 note column does not take up 1/16 of a whole note column. So exactly what space are you thinking
you want?

In the perfect scenario, I suppose Lilypond would "Do The Right Thing":
1. If there were another music event at the moment the Hairpin was set to begin (delayed) or end (trimmed), it would line up as expected. 2. If there were no simultaneous music event, the Hairpin would begin/end proportionally between the immediately adjacent music events.

Presently, dynamic markings are tied to paper columns. Paper columns are created by layout objects, including notes. It seems to me that somehow you want to change the way dynamic markings interact with paper columns in order
to get the behavior you desire.

Probably... =(

I just think that dynamics are currently more difficult to manipulate than would be ideal, and I'm trying to come up with a solution.


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