Francisco Vila a écrit :
2009/5/25, John Mandereau <>:
 You should run *before* you commit changes to texidocs, not
after. Try it as explained in the CG, and you'll see (how) it works.

Hello, I'm in trouble. I have run and git status gives

Before looking at your (rather scary in this case) "git status" output, have you examined output of Have you realized requires fresh snapshots compiled from Git of lilypond and convert-ly, as explained in the CG? You can set them in PATH without installing them by using something described in HACKING; btw I should explain this in the CG, this would stop me compiling and installing binary snapshots

# On branch lilypond/translation
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#       deleted:    input/lsr/
#       deleted:    input/lsr/
#       deleted:    input/lsr/
#       deleted:    input/lsr/
#       deleted:    input/lsr/
Did you pass an argument? You shouldn't have, unless you know why.

As LSR is being updated these days, maybe
you'll suggest not to make texidoc work on my side, right?

Certainly not, I hope we manage to make things clear.


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