John Mandereau schrieb:
Till Rettig a écrit :
its great fun, there is really a lot. ;-) The changes are about the German translation being also added to the .ly file. That's a tricky case. I will always have to update snippets two times: one time when translated and the second time after the next lsr-update that adds the changed entry from the texidoc to the ly file. Is there any way to avoid that?

Yes. For previous work it is too late, but for future work, run before committing to Git -- read the CG on snippet handling for more details.

Good luck,

Sorry John,
it seems I just did the same mistake and commited everything in input/texidoc. But I really don't understand and how it should work. I called it without any argument and it updated some 4 snippets in input/lsr with convert-ly to a new lilypond-version -- but it didn't touch anything that was modified in input/texidoc. When I called it with the argument input/texidoc, it removed quite a lot of snippets, probably just as had happened to Francisco some time earlier. Well, that was no problem, as it was on a testing branch from which I don't push, so I could restore everything easily, but still I don't have any idea how to update the snippets and commit only afterwards. From the contributor's guide I couldn't find anything that would tell about the interaction of input/texidoc and :( If it is easy for you to somehow just update all German commitishes in input/texidocs, run, so that the changes get into the .ly files and commit the whole story I would be really greatful.


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