Le jeudi 06 août 2009 à 16:14 +0100, Ian Hulin a écrit :
> At the moment it looks like we're setting the equivalent of a global
> static variable to do this - bad news for such a specific function.


> Is there a way of do this sort of thing sometime in the future?  
> \afterGrace {d1 {c16[ d] }} % works as now - except extra braces
> \afterGrace {d1 {c16[ d] } 15 16} % extra two optional parameter does
> the biz currently done by 

Music functions are defined in a simpler way: they take a fixed number
of arguments, and by convention music is always in the last arguments,
so \afterGrace invocation should look something like

\afterGrace #'(15 . 16) d1 {c16[ d] }

You could still have the same behavior as before (including its
disavantages) with

#(define afterGraceFraction (cons 15 16))
%% ... lots of music input ...
\afterGrace #afterGraceFraction d1 {c16[ d] }


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