Le vendredi 25 décembre 2009 à 22:08 +0000, Graham Percival a écrit : 
> 3)  Given that there's some kind of problems with accents with
> savannah lists (I haven't grasped what it is, but read
> https://savannah.gnu.org/task/?9148
> if you're interested), is it really good to have these non-English
> lists hosts on savannah?  I admit that the name looks much more
> official, but if the software stops you from communicating in your
> native language, that's hardly a step up.

Then the software should be fixed.  The lack of proper UTF-8 support is
really a pity in 2009 (2010 soon).

> Does the google group stuff allow non-English characters?  We have an
> official google code project (mostly for the issue tracker), so we
> could add a few mailing lists attached to that project.

I'd rather not attach too many things to google code project, for the
sake of our independence, whereas LilyPond is already part of GNU.  If
there is no way to create a Spanish-speaking list with enough support
for Spanish (actually UTF-8 encoding), we could ask Valentin to host the
list on lilynet.net, but this doesn't sound like a proper solution for a
list almost as big (in number of subscribers) as lilypond-user-fr.


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