Le vendredi 25 décembre 2009 à 23:56 +0000, Graham Percival a écrit :
> I agree that if we make the change, we'd need to have lots of warning about 
> it.
> If we want to do the change, there's two possibilities:
> 1) ask the savannah people to change the name.

If we go for this, which I would prefer, we should ask a precise date
for the name change, so that we can announce it a bit in advance and
know what to do on Nabble interface side.

> 2) I make a new list, you send warnings to the old list, somebody
> monitors the new list for any messages and forwards them and/or tells
> the sender to send it to the new list instead... then in X months (3?
> 6?  12?) I can delete the old list.
> The advantage of #2 is that we don't need to depend on savannah
> people.  Of course, it means that all subscribers will need to sign up
> for the new list... OTOH, that might not be such a bad thing, since
> it'll remind them that they need to send future emails to the new
> address.  If we just change their subscriptions automatically, they're
> more likely to send a message to their saved (old) "french lilypond
> list" alias / email contact by mistake.

The burden of having to resubscribe will appear as unfriendly and might
drive out some existing subscribers, and the traffic is important enough
so that the burden of forwarding emails between lists will be a huge
PITA for Valentin and me.


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