On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Boris Shingarov <b...@shingarov.com> wrote:
> That's the very first thing I found, but that's NOT what you were talking
> about in the first e-mail. It is LILYPOND_REPO, which is a separate
> variable.

And I said I was guessing.

> You see, I read both the head revision and 2.11.64-1, and they
> both contain LILYPOND_REPO_URL.  But 2.11.64-1 contains LILYPOND_REPO as
> well as LILYPOND_REPO_URL, and it is LILYPOND_REPO that got removed.

Ok.  No clue why.  Take a look at the commit messages; they might
suggest something.  Or they might not.  *shrug*

> Now, my real question is, does LILYPOND_REPO_URL help, i.e. did it absorb
> the functionality which used to be achieved via LILYPOND_REPO.

No clue.  Try reading the source, try running it a few times, try
adding extra "print" commands to the python, try running it again.

I'm not trying to be unhelpful here.  The fact is that GUB is
extremely complicated (almost 20,000 lines of python!), and not really
understood by most people.

A few lilypond developers have tried running GUB, and they all failed.
 I'm the only lilypond developer other than Han-Wen and Jan that's
gotten this to work, and I have spent literally over 100 hours in the
past few months on this task.

> But right now, we are not even there, as even simply building the current
> official head from the main lilypond repository, does not work.

Ok.  Then let's stop thinking about changing the repo, and get this to work.

>  It hangs
> when trying to download from the standard url:
> $ make -f lilypond.make lilypond-installers

Try doing
  make lilypond
first.  Yes, lilypond-installers should probably depend on building
lilypond, but I'm not at all certain that it does,.

> cd: 1: can't cd to /home/boris/work/lilypond/gub/gub/downloads/lilypond/git

Ok.  If "make lilypond" doesn't work, then try creating this directory manually.

I'm completely serious.  My GUB tree is *filled* with ugly hacks like
this.  It would be nice if they weren't needed, but it'll probably
take 20-50 more hours of work until this is the case.

As I said earlier, GUB is extremely complicated and not for the faint
of heart.  If you're frustrated already, then I honestly think you
should give up now, because it will only get worse from now on.  If
you feel like cursing me and Jan for not fixing obvious problems, then
I also think it would be best if you gave up now, because it will only
get worse from now on.  I wish I could be more encouraging, but I
can't.  I can't even promise that I'll respond promptly to other
problems you have, because there's a lot of jobs I need to do, and
this isn't the most critical.

On the other hand, if you keep careful notes of problems and how to
solve them, and ideally also create patches to fix them, then it'll
help the *next* person who tries to use GUB.

Good luck,
- Graham

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