Quoting Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:

I'm completely serious.  My GUB tree is *filled* with ugly hacks like
this.  It would be nice if they weren't needed, but it'll probably
take 20-50 more hours of work until this is the case.

Oh, I completely understand this. And this is the exact reason why I am asking questions, because when the code is this rough, there are things that are better to just ask, rather than to try to figure out "why" -- because we are not dealing with something finished but a thought-in-progress.
If you're frustrated already, then I honestly think you
should give up now, because it will only get worse from now on

I completely realize what kind of complexity we are talking about. And no, I am not at all frustrated. Not from a technical viewpoint anyway. But for me the whole thing about GUB is driven by the organizational side: as a developer, I am completely happy with the Linux development platform, and am much more interested in furthering Lilypond rather than trying to deploy it on a platform I don't even use. But then there is the end-users who want to see it on Windows, but then again they want to see progress in Lilypond development, and the prospect of losing weeks to porting to Windows, makes them want to reconsider their platform preferences. We'll see. As I already said, at this point it's about organizational questions, not technical ones.
Boris Shingarov
Work on Lilypond under grant from Sonus Paradisi / Jiri Zurek (Prague),
Czech Science Foundation, Project No. 401/09/0419

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