On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 06:55:19PM +0200, Alexander Kobel wrote:
> Oh, and of course I know that this amount "is extremely low given the  
> work involved", as Graham stated, but ... well - it's better than  
> nothing.

Well, some people (not me) might not agree -- I mean, if something
would take you 20 hours, and somebody offers $10 and a piece of
bubble gum, it's not very encouraging.  If ten people offered the
same thing, it would add up, of course.  But I've heard from some
developers that taking a bounty isn't worth the trouble of setting
up a paypal account.


I'd be happy to take a bounty if anybody offered them in areas I
work on.

> AFAIK (and hope), none of you guys codes in Lily for his living, but at  
> least there may be a free dinner sometimes to soothe the Significant  
> Other...

Well, that requires converting the paypal balance into actual
money, which requires giving paypal more financial information
than I feel comfortable doing.

An alternative to donating it to the FSF (or whatever charity you
like) would be for the developer to offer a bounty on something
that affects *them* -- either something they want to use for their
own lilypond compositions, or something they want for their own
*development* work (like the source code indentation program or
new build system).

- Graham

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