In texinfo:
  @cindex foo    -- add foo to the concept index
  @findex foo    -- add foo to the function index
  @kindex foo    -- add foo to the keystroke index
  @printindex cp -- print the concept index
  @printindex fn -- print the function index
  @printindex ky -- print the keystroke index

In Documentation/common-macros.itexi, @funindex is defined:
  @macro funindex {TEXT}
  @findex \TEXT\
  @kindex \TEXT\
  @end macro

The last two appendices of the NR are:
  E. LilyPond command index
  F. LilyPond index

In Documentation/notation.tely:
  @printindex ky -- makes appendix E. "command index"
  @printindex cp -- makes appendix F. "index"

1) Everything marked with a @funindex in the docs ends up in
   *both* NR indices.  How and why do these items end up in
   appendix F?

2) Why do we need @funindex?  Why don't we just use these:
     @printindex fn

   I see that @findex is used in the IR to generate
     appendix A.2 Function index

   ...but that shouldn't affect the NR, right?

- Mark


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